Prices From: £21.35 ex VAT
Grease Shift is formulated as a concentrated workshop degreaser containing detergents and emulsifiers to clean engines and other mechanical equipment parts. The product readily emulsifies with water and will remove hydrocarbon, animal and vegetable based oils and greases
Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre
Greaseshift is a concentrated workshop degreaser containing detergents and emusifiers to clean engines and other mechanical equipment parts. The product readily emulsifies with water and may be diluted with diesel or paraffin for economic use. It will remove hydrocarbon, animal and vegetable based oils and greases and has an optimal blend of wetting agents and emulsifiers to suspend both liquid and solid particulate soils such as grime and carbon. Apply to any surface not harmed by water.
Directions: Grease Shift Concentrate may be used in dipping tanks or applied by brush or spray to the surface in need of treatment. Apply product and let the solution soak for 5 minutes. Scrub surfaces if necessary, using a stiff bristle brush. When soil deposits become loosened remove to an appropriate area and rinse well using clean water. Wipe surfaces and allow to dry.
Maintenance Spray is a high quality heavy duty lubricant and release agent for general workshop use. Cleans and lubricates moving mechanical parts. Displaces moisture leaving surfaces treated anti rust and corrosion resistant. Ideal for use on garden equipment and general plant equipment to ensure it all functions like new. Pack size: 1 x 400ml aerosol tin
Brick Wash Extra is formulated to rapidly clean and remove stubborn lime and mortar deposits from most hard surfaces. This acid based formulation includes a detergent which makes it suitable for cleaning down and the removal of carbon, furnace soot and diesel soot deposits from most surfaces. Formulated as a fast acting brick cleaner removing lime and mortar deposits. This acid based formula with a detergent additive may also be used to remove carbon deposits and airborne dirt from older brick and stone surfaces including patios and driveways. Pack sizes 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre.
Safe Brake is a blend of low risk solvents formulated to remove contaminants from vehicle brakes. Wets out brake dust and assists the removal of dirt, oil grease and other conmtaminants from brake mechanisms. It is formulated to evaporate completely after use. The product is non residual leaving components clean and dry. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre | 1 x 25 litre
Carburettor and Fuel Injection Cleaner is supplied in a 400ml aerosol that enables fast cleaning of carburettors and other similar engine components without the necessity to dismantle. It cleans carburetors, injector throttle bodies, plates, chokes, butterflies, jets and linkages etc. and helps reduce engine emissions Pack size: 1 x 400ml aerosol tin