Prices From: £8.02 ex VAT
One of our top 10 most popular products. Truck Wash E is a general purpose Traffic Film Remover (TFR) and cleaner for use on vehicles, chassis. industrial plant, machinery and cleaning of floors. This product is free rinsing and economic in use. It is safe to use on all types of paintwork, glass, plastic and rubber surfaces. Suitable for use with a steam cleaner or jet washer
Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre
Truck Wash E is a general purpose Traffic Film Remover, also known as a TFR or Truck Wash. It is formulated for use as a cleaner on vehicles, chassis. industrial plant, machinery, flooring etc. The product is free rinsing and economic in use. It is safe to use on all types of paintwork, glass, plastic and rubber surfaces. Always fully wet surfaces to be cleaned prior to applying the TFR. Do not allow to dry on during the cleaning process.
Directions: Apply by pressure washer or jet wash set at 2% at the nozzle or pre dilute the product with up to maximum 20 parts water and adjust the washer setting accordingly. Always apply from the bottom upwards for best results. Wipe over using a sponge, soft brush or clean cloth to loosen soiling. Rinse off using clean water. For hand washing of vehicles dilute Truck Wash E with clean water. Maximum dilution would be of 1 part to 40 parts water. Wet the surfaces to be cleaned prior to application of the product. Apply TFR using a sponge or soft cloth. Clean as normal then fully rinse using fresh clean water. This product is also suitable for use in conjunction with barrel feed systems and forecourt coin operated pressure wash systems.
For cleaning workshop floors dilute as required dependent on the degree of soiling. Apply to the floor and scrub with a stiff brush to remove soiling. Rinse with clean water – ideally under pressure. Allow to dry before sealing or painting the floor.
Truck Wash Concentrate is a full strength premium grade TFR water based detergent for washing vehicles, plant, equipment and as a degreaser for cleaning flooring. Ideal for use through a jet wash, pressure wash steam cleaner. This free rinsing formula may be diluted as required. Fully wet surfaces to be cleaned prior to applying the product - do not allow to dry on during the cleaning process. When cleaning vehicles, for best results apply from the bottom upwards and rinse off using clean water. A full strength premium grade Concentrated Traffic Film Remover that is economic in use. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre
Cleans and protects all stainless steel surfaces. Suitable for use on kitchen equipment such as fridge freezers, bulk tankers, industrial pipework, shop fittings and all other stainless steel surfaces. Available in a ready to use trigger spray or as a concentrate to leave a fine protective coating which polishes to a sheen finish. Pack size 1 x 750ml trigger spray Pack size: 1 x 5 ltr, 1 x 25 ltr
Safeclean is a very effective water based cleaner that effortlessly removes grease and grime from hard surfaces. Dilute with up to 20 parts water. Also supplied in a ready to use 750ml trigger spray Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre
A powerful concentrated traffic film remover that has a strong fresh smelling citrus perfume. Ideal for use in forecourt coin operated pressure wash machines and for general cleaning of vehicles and plant. Suitable for cleaning equipment used in the portable Sanitation Industry Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre, 1 x 1000 litre Please note : an additional refundable deposit of £95 will be charged on a 1000 litre IBC