Price: £10.31 ex VAT
Professional heavy duty skeleton sealant gun which is compatible with most manufacturer’s sealant dispensers cartridges up to 310ml
Pack size: each
Spirit Wipe is a fast drying solvent panel wipe for cleaning off adhesives and other contaminants from vehicle paintwork and other similar surfaces prior to the application of transfers, vinyl lettering, graphics, painting etc. This product has anti static properties. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre | 1 x 25 litre
Diesel and oil spills cause irreparable damage to the environment and present a very serious hazard to those near the spill. The flammable nature of oils makes it necessary to have a spill action plan in the rare event a spillage does occur. Doing so will ensure a quick, effective and safe clean up of the offending spill. Safechem Oil Spill Kit will absorb up to 20 litres and is supplied in a Plastic Bag, making it ideal to carry on vehicles, boats etc providing a rapid response for emergency use. Pack size: each
Weed-ex is a Total Kill weed killer that can be used in both domestic and industrial environments. Ideal for use on car parking areas, gravel paths and driveways, patios and land which will not be used for planting for at least 6 months. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre
Brake cleaner is a blend of low-risk solvents to remove contaminants from brake discs, shoes, pads and fittings. Breaks down grease and grime aiding removal. Wets out brake shoe dust. This product may also be used to break down vehicle wax deposits. Brake Cleaner will evaporate completely after use. The product is non residual leaving components clean and dry. Pack size: 1 x 400ml aerosol tin