Safeclean Extra Strong Red is a professional grade hard surface cleaner that must be diluted to the required strength. Its Amphoteric bactericidal action is effective against gram negative and gram positive bacteria. It is an economic concentrate formula that is effective in the removal of most stubborn deposits from hard surfaces including floors and work surfaces, garage forecourts, kitchen floors and worktops, washroom surfaces etc. Safeclean Extra Strong Red is suitable for use as a general purpose water based degreaser and cleanser. It is an efficient strong cleaner degreaser for workshop floors and equipment and may be diluted with up to a maximum of 50 parts water.
Directions: use with hot, warm or cold water. For best results warm (hand hot) water is preferable. Dilute as required and apply to surface to be treated by brush or mop. Agitate the surface soiling then then fully rinse off. For stubborn deposits of grease and grime, dilute with up to 20 parts water and apply by brush or mop. Agitate and allow to soak. Fully rinse with clean water.
Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre.