Price: £8.79 ex VAT
Professional Valeters have been using Funkeys for many years. Flunkeys have all the advantages of a real leather but will last significantly longer and leave paintwork and glass surfaces dry and streak free
Pack size: each
Flunkeys are high quality synthetic chamois that is long lasting. Flunkeys are highly absorbent but do not need the attention and care required to maintain a real chamois leather in tip top condition. They are also a fraction of the cost of real chamois leathers. Professional Valeting companies have been using Flunkeys for many years. Flunkeys have all the advantages of a real Chamois leather, but will last significantly longer and leave paintwork and glass surfaces dry and streak free
Screen Wash Concentrate is a high quality full concentrate alcohol based windscreen wash additive for Winter and Summer use that assists in the life expectancy of windscreen rubbers and wiper blades. Remove insect debris, traffic film and dirt from vehicle windscreens without smearing. Dilute as required Pack size: 1 x 5 litres, 1 x 25 litres, 1 x 205 litres
Dispensing box of very high quality super soft disposable polishing cloths for use on all surfaces. Ideal for use with vehicle polishes and glass cleaners. Suitable for use as an absorbent workshop wiper Pack size: box
Catering size heavy duty RB4 green scouring pad with a sponge backing. Suitable for catering, general kitchen and household use. Pack size: pack of 10
Most cloths are not strong enough to clean floors. Safechem Heavy Duty Floor Cleaning Cloth measures 20" x 18" and is purpose made for floor cleaning. The cloth may be washed several times to extended its life. Pack size: pack of 10 cloths