A farming terminal disinfectant Citric Acid that is DEFRA approved for use on all surfaces. Use as a terminal disinfectant in both open and closed plant (CIP) systems with excellent deodorising and stain removal properties. Suitable for manual, soak and spray application in open plant cleaning. Safe for clothes and body decontamination.
A common housekeeping use for Citric Acid is to clean and remove hard water stains and mineral deposits from shower doors, sinks and toilets. Removes calcium deposits, lime, rust, mould, mildew and tarnish from brass and copper. Citric acid can also be used as a chelating agent, bactericide and fungicide. Citric acid removes soap stains and soap build up in dishwashers. An organic cleanser that is non foaming, free rinsing and biodegradable.
Pack sizes 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre