Price: £5.85 ex VAT
Carburettor and Fuel Injection Cleaner is supplied in a 400ml aerosol that enables fast cleaning of carburettors and other similar engine components without the necessity to dismantle. It cleans carburetors, injector throttle bodies, plates, chokes, butterflies, jets and linkages etc. and helps reduce engine emissions
Pack size: 1 x 400ml aerosol tin
Carburettor and Fuel Injection Cleaner is supplied in a 400ml aerosol that enables fast cleaning of carburettors and other similar engine components without the necessity to dismantle. When petrol dries it leave a surface film which can build over the course of time. Inside a carburettor or fuel injection system, this will cause restriction of moving parts and cause blockages. This can be a major contributor to poor idling, lack of power and poor economy. This product cleans accumulated deposits from carburettors, fuel injection systems, throttle bodies, automatic chokes, plates, butterflies, jets and linkages reducing the risk of stalling and improves engine idle helping to reduce emissions
Pack size 1 x 400ml aerosol tin
Battery terminal corrosion appears as a white ash deposit around one or both battery posts. Battery Terminal Protector prevents damp, greasy, dirty or corroded battery terminal and improves electrical continuity. The spray leaves a flexible non conductive film which removes any trace of existing corrosion from battery terminals and inhibits the formation of further corrosion. Pack size: 1 x 400ml aerosol tin
Suitable for cleaning all glass surfaces including windscreens, windows, mirrors, lights etc. Removes finger marks and most other contaminants from the surface of glass and plastics. Very fast acting formula with no residual Pack size: 1 x 45oml aerosol tin
A strong multi purpose water based hard surface cleaner and degreaser. Must be diluted to required strength. An full concentrate formula that is effective for the removal of most stubborn deposits from hard surfaces. Effective for the removal of most stubborn deposits from hard surfaces including floors and work surfaces, garage forecourts, kitchen floors, degreasing plant and equipment etc. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre, 1 x 205 litre
Safe Brake is a blend of low risk solvents formulated to remove contaminants from vehicle brakes. Wets out brake dust and assists the removal of dirt, oil grease and other conmtaminants from brake mechanisms. It is formulated to evaporate completely after use. The product is non residual leaving components clean and dry. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre | 1 x 25 litre