Prices From: £30.56 ex VAT
Bacsafe Gel contains 30% alcohol. It is a clear anti-bacterial hand sanitiser with a rapid germicidal action. It is fast drying and leaves no sticky residue. Contains an emollient to moisturise skin. The product is non tainting. No need for water or hand towels making it ideal for use at events where access to water for hand washing may be limited. Use as part of your anti bacteria and anti virus protection programme
Pack sizes 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre
Bacsafe Gel contains 30% alcohol. It is a clear anti bactericidal hand sanitiser with a rapid germicidal action formulated as a gel for ease of application. It is fast drying and leaves no sticky residue. It contains an effective emollient to moisturise skin and is non tainting. No need for water or hand towels. Used at major events nationwide.
This product may also be used for additional protection after hand washing with soap and water. Dry hands thoroughly prior to application. Use of an Anti Bacterial Alcohol Gel Sanitiser helps guard against the spread of bactera and virus where there is a risk of cross contamination through touch.
Directions: apply a small amount to the palm of one hand. Rub hands together over all surfaces of hands and fingers until dry. For nails scrub with a sterile brush and leave for 2 minutes to activate. Bacsafe Gel alcohol rub sanitiser kills bacteria on hands 30 seconds after application. Use as part of your anti bacterial and anti viral protection programme
Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre
Safeshield is a concentrate toilet and washroom cleanser sanitiser that kills bacterial deposits on contact. A first line of defence in controlling the spread of infections. Contains a pleasant floral perfume reodourant. Dilute with clean water dependent on application. Suitable for cleaning and sanitising portable toilets and urinals on sites and at events Pack size: 1 x 5 litre | 1 x 25 litre
Odourless hand soap combined with a gentle cleansing action. Contains a germicide to help prevent the transmission of infections by contact. Pack size: 1 x 5 litres
Bacsafe X has a 30% alcohol content and is formulated for use as a hand sanitiser. If soap and water are not available for hand washing it is recommended to use a hand sanitiser to kill bacteria and prevent the spread of disease through touch. Suitable for use at events, workplace or home. It is fast drying and leaves no sticky residue. It contains an effective emollient to moisturise the skin and is non tainting. No need for water or hand towel. Use as part of your anti bacteria and anti virus protection programme Pack size: 1 x 5 litre, 1 x 25 litre -
We manufacture Anti-Bac Hand Gel to European and BS standard EN1500 with a 70% alcohol content. Anti-Bac is a medical grade hand sanitising gel with a moisturiser to hydrate and protect surface layers of skin. Provides quick and effective hand sanitising to help guard against the spread of bacteria infection and cross contamination of virus infections Anti Bac Hand Gel helps guard against Weils Disease, MRSA, all variants of Coronavirus including the Common Flu Virus and Covid 19. In conjunction with hand washing Anti Bac Gel reduces the risk of cross contamination by touch from person to person contact. Suitable for use in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Portable Sanitation, Waste Transfer Stations, Home, Office, Workshop, in conditions of flood and natural disaster and any other areas subject to high risk from bacterial or viral contamination. Directions: Apply a small amount to palms and rub hands together briskly until dry. Pack size: 1 x 5 litre